Packaging Exports Target Europe
Export value of packaging reached 7.5 billion dollars
The packaging industry closed the year 2022 with 7.5 billion dollars in export value. According to Turkish Packaging Industry 2022 Exports and Imports Report, Türkiye succeeded in increasing its packaging exports by 15 percent compared to 2021. Emphasizing that 60 percent of the export was conducted to European countries Mr. Zeki Sarıbekir, President of the ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association said: “Although we make 60 percent of our exports to Europe, our share in the European market is around 10 percent. If we can increase this rate to 20 percent, we would achieve an export value of 10 billion dollars only to Europe. Turkish packaging industry can easily achieve such levels with its investments and it technological power.”
Turkish Packaging Industry 2022 Exports and Imports Report is published. Accordingly, packaging industry that achieved 6 billion 491 million dollars of export value in 2021, increased this figure by 15 percent in 2022 to achieve 7 billion 467 million dollars of export value. The packaging exports also increased in terms of amount. Packaging exports that were 3 million 83 thousand tons in 2021 increased to 3 million 257 thousand tons in 2022. Considering the distribution of exports according to type of packaging, plastic packaging occupied the first rank with 63 percent share. Plastic packaging exports increased by 11 percent compared to the last year and achieved 4 billion 732 million dollars of export value. The second rank in packaging exports was occupied by paper/cardboard/corrugated board packages with 25 percent share. Paper/cardboard/corrugated board package exports that increased by 22 percent achieved 1 billion 834 million dollars of export value. Metal packaging occupied the third rank in exports of the industry with its 8 percent share. Export value of metal packaging increased from 479 million 502 thousand dollars to 603 million dollars. The top 10 receivers of total packaging exports in 2022 was UK, Germany, Iraq, Italy, Israel, USA, France, Russia, the Netherlands, and Bulgaria. Import value of the packaging industry in 2022 was 4 billion 832 million dollars. The relevant import value last year was 3 billion 794 million dollars. Thus, the net contribution of packaging industry to the national economy was 2 billion 635 million dollars in 2022.
Noting that Türkiye is among the numbered countries in the world with its packaging industry, Mr. Zeki Sarıbekir, President of ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association said packaging exports increase yearly, adding value to the country. Zeki Sarıbekir underlined that as the packaging industry they export to many countries in the world and added that, “packaging exports of Türkiye is at 7.5 billion dollars level. 60 percent of these exports are delivered to Europe. Despite this rate, we can only provide 10 percent of Europe. Our exports to Europe are currently at the level of 4.5-5 billion dollars. We can easily increase this to 20 percent. Therefore, we can achieve an export value of 10 billion dollars only to Europe. We are at a proximity to Europe. We can easily deliver our product to any town in Europe in 3 days with trucks. Apart from Europe, the USA must also be among our targets. We must increase our share in the U.S. market. The Turkish packaging industry has the power to meet this with its investments, technological developments.”
Commenting on the interpack Exhibition that was recently organized in Germany, Zeki Sarıbekir noted the following: “interpack is the world's largest packaging exhibition and it is organized once every three years. 143 thousand people visited the exhibition. As Turkish packaging industry we were among the top 3 countries that has the largest presence in the exhibition. After Germany being the host and runner up Italy, Türkiye occupied the third position with China.” Also discussing Eurasia Packaging Fair, Zeki Sarıbekir said: “72,000 people visited our exhibition that was organized at TÜYAP İstanbul last year. Interest in our exhibition grows every year. Foreigners also display a growing interest. Especially businesspeople from many countries that were not issued visas for Europe visit our exhibition. The Middle East, North Africa, and Balkans were present in our exhibition. Following the war between Russia and Ukraine, Europe lost Russia that was its biggest market. An opportunity emerged for Türkiye at this point. The Eurasia Packaging Fair Istanbul that will be organized for the 28th time this year will take place on October 11-14, 2023. We are expecting to have more exhibitors from an increased number of countries. Turkish packaging industry is the shining star of the world due to the geographical location of Türkiye.”
Zeki Sarıbekir reminded that Zeynep Özel, a student at Istanbul Medipol University Industrial Design Department, who received the top prize in the 18th National Packaging Design Student Competition in 2022, organized annually by the ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association with the contribution of the Eurasia Packaging Istanbul Fair, in cooperation with RX TÜYAP, also participated in the 'WorldStar Student' competition and received Gold Award by becoming the world champion. Zeki Sarıbekir also noted that the student received a Silver Award in the Marketing category in the same competition with her project, and received her awards at the WorldStar award ceremony held during the interpack Fair in Germany. Underlining that 488 applications were made from 41 countries to the WorldStar 2023 competition organized by the World Packaging Organization (WPO) where Türkiye was among the top 5 countries that received the most awards, Zeki Sarıbekir said, “Thus, as Türkiye, we received 16 awards with our students and 14 awards with our companies. We are proud of both our award-winning students and our companies. On this occasion, I would like to remind you that the applications continue for the 19th National Packaging Design Student Competition 2023, organized this year.”
Export table by Packaging Material (USD)
2021 |
2022 |
Plastic Packaging |
4.278.406.527 |
4.732.423.106 |
Paper/Cardboard/Corrugated Board Packaging |
1.504.406.624 |
1.834.507.291 |
Metal Packaging |
497.507.778 |
603.022.148 |
Glass Packaging |
193.782.451 |
243.649.562 |
Wooden Packaging |
29.863.558 |
46.119.189 |
Other Bags and Sacks |
5.969.071 |
7.834.649 |
Top 10 Countries in Exports in 2022 (USD)
2021 |
2022 |
United Kingdom |
606.542.130 |
663.698.980 |
Germany |
540.581.336 |
608.274.672 |
Iraq |
407.539.963 |
402.421.236 |
Italy |
308.156.359 |
394.313.114 |
Israel |
325.440.049 |
371.902.473 |
357.026.053 |
362.959.0.49 |
France |
287.857.433 |
327.714.756 |
Russia |
122.736.369 |
259.318.733 |
the Netherlands |
221.842.982 |
225.473.123 |
Bulgaria |
122.736.369 |
176.170.468 |
ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association
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