National Packaging Design Student Competition
National Packaging Design Student Competition , organized by ASD Turkish Packaging Manufacturers Association and Reed-TUYAP, aims tocontribute to the career of students in the field of the packaging design as packaging professional. The Student Competition that we organize each year is aimed at encouraging the students who receive design education in our country to be involved in the field of packaging design as well. Our competition is open to all students who have been receiving undergraduate and graduate education in the Graphic Design and Industrial Products Design or Industrial Design Departments of universities. Students from other departments are not allowed to individually participate in the competition; but may set up groups with students registered in Graphic Design and Industrial Products Design or Industrial Design Departments. Top three winners as determined by panel of judges will be awarded "ASD & TÜYAP Scholorship" and recognized with cash awards. All winner students are encouraged to participate in "WorldStar Student” and "AsiaStar Student competition organized by World Packaging Organization (WPO) and Asian Packaging Federation (APF). The participation fee for such conpetition shall be paid by the organiser.
The winners of the National Packaging Design Student Competition Announced