WPO Performed 5 Days Packaging Technology Training in Ghana
The World Packaging Organization (WPO) is committed to providing packaging and related business education to WPO member countries that indicate a true need for such training opportunities. Education is critical to achieve the WPO's mission of "Better quality of life through better packaging for more people” and with leadership from the education committee this strand of our work is promoted and organized. The committee is also compiling a register of WPO-recognized courses so that those who are looking for "fit-for-purpose” education and training provision in different countries have a source to which they can turn.
Packaging education has never been more critical to help ensure that the world's resources are used as effectively and economically as possible and through this space, WPO makes a significant contribution to improving knowledge and expertise.
The first training of 2020 had been organized in Legon, Accra, Ghana on March 2 – 6, 2020 with 26 Students. All students were from Accra, Ghana. The students were from local industry, University and certification bodies and independent inpiduals also attended.
The WPO packaging technology training was organized by the contribution of the WPO full member, Institute of Packaging Ghana (IOPG). The host organisation, IOPG, led by Kofi Essuman is a packaging institution within Ghana serving the needs of the greater packaging community in Ghana. IOPG is also a long-standing member of WPO.
The training took place at the Business School, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra in Ghana, and was hosted by IOPG, led by Kofi Essuman, with support from WPO. Duration and Time is 5 Days - 40 Hours contact time. The working language of the event was in English. All documentation and background materials were provided in English. The trainer was WPO Global Ambassador, Kishan Singh. The lectures were focused on Packaging Technology, Environmental Sustainability, Food Safety and Save Food. Written assessment was performed.
Local presentations on printing principles and print technologies / barcodes and brand management in packaging were conducted university academics, who were professors and PhD lecturers.
Other packaging education programs, already approved by WPO for 2020, are:
- Pakistan - Flexliack
- Kenya – IOPP (Institute of Packaging Professionals Kenya)
- China – CEPI
- Lebanon – LibanPack / Jordan – JoPack
- Indonesia – IPF (Indonesiaan Packaging Federation) / Bolivia – to be handled by IAE, from Argentina
Some new education initiatives are being discussed and planned in Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Central & South Americas, Eastern Europe and the Middle East.
The future potential training programs will be:
- Packaging Technology
- Food Packaging Technology,
- Advanced Packaging Technology
- Packaging Graphics & Design,
- Quality Management Subjects.
For more information you may contact Ms. Aslihan Arikan, WPO Vice President of Education & Chair of Education Committee a.arikan@worldpackaging.org